Since the course is within the next 24 hours, we have deactivated the online registration system. If you wish to secure a place, please contact us on 0161 4080807 or, alternatively, you can email us on courses@doctorsacademy.org.uk.
Date :
17th September 2014
Venue : Education Centre (Dept 17), The Christie, Manchester, M20 4BX
Brief Description:
- The cutting-edge Da Vinci® robotic system is used in the surgical management of various pelvic oncological conditions by Urologists, Gynaecologists and Colorectal surgeons. With the Da Vinci robotic operating system in use by The Christie NHS Foundation Trust since 2008.
- This has lead to the development of highly specialised surgeons within the Christie that have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and expertise for minimal access surgical procedures using the Da Vinci robot to provide high quality cancer care for patients.
- The robot allows The Christies surgeons to perform minimally invasive procedures, using 3-D vision and specialised instruments with endowrist function. These instruments are an extension of a surgeons own hands enabling precision surgery that results in improvements in short-term and cancer specific outcomes following surgery.
Aim / Objective:
To provide an overview of the major aspects of robotic pelvic oncology.
Learning Outcomes:
- Improve the understanding of robotic surgery in pelvic oncology.
- To understand the current status and the future of robotic surgery in oncology.
- To assess the role of team work in robotic surgery.
- Discuss the training in robotic surgery.
- Discuss the position of specialised commissioning in robotic surgery in NHS England.
Places Available:
100 (Places will be offered on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis).
Course fee: Free (£25 refundable deposit required)