Brief Description:
This intensive and highly interactive course is aimed to prepare surgical trainees for registrar (ST3 level) interviews and help secure a General Surgical National Training Number. This course will explain how the interview process works,how to create a well-structured portfolio andwill providea ‘look inside’ the stations. There will be plenty of small group/ individual mock interview stations to practice, learning from peersand opportunities will be available to obtain constructive individual feedback from experienced Consultant trainers and Speciality Registrars who have recently gone through this process and obtained a training number. Structure and practice is the key, and this course will provide the delegate with a platform to develop the correct technique to perform a good interview.
Aimed at:
Core trainees (CT2), Trust grade doctors, Non-training registrars, Clinical Fellows and Research Fellows in Surgery.
Places Available:
20 (Places will be offered on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis)