Since the course is within the next 24 hours, we have deactivated the online registration system. If you wish to secure a place, please contact us on 0161 4080807 or, alternatively, you can email us on

Date    : 16th December 2014

Venue : Education Centre, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester

Course Description:

Delivered by: Elaine Vickers PhD, an expert speaker on targeted cancer therapies and Director of Science Communicated Ltd.

This course provides a description of the faulty genes and proteins that drive colorectal, pancreatic, oesophageal, gastric and primary liver cancer. It also provides an overview of targeted treatment approaches for these diseases with the relevant science behind each treatment explained for a non-scientific, non-specialist audience. The course includes a detailed description of the science behind the FOCUS-4 trial, including the reason for treatment combinations and patient selection.

Level: Intermediate/Advanced

Intermediate/advanced (Designed for research nurses, junior doctors and other staff working on cancer trials for cancers of the digestive system; requires some prior understanding of cancer biology).

Topics Include
  • A summary of our current understanding of the molecular defects that underly oesophageal, gastric, colon, rectal, pancreatic and liver cancer.
  • The main pathways/proteins being targeted with new cancer treatments.
  • The current state of play of clinical trials in each cancer type.
  • Biomarkers in use and under development to select patients for trials and treatments for patients.
  • What are we aiming for? The future landscape of targeted treatments for these cancers.
  • Work sheets and quizzes will be used to reinforce & test knowledge.


Delegate fee: £100.00
Early Bird Rate (before 16th October 2014): £75.00

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