- Programme
- 11th December 2016, Edinburgh
- 20th November 2016, Birmingham
- 12th June 2016, Cardiff
- 13th March 2016, Edinburgh
- 14th February 2016, Oxford
- 6th December 2015, Aberdeen
- 1st November 2015, London
- 7th June 2015, Cardiff
- 12th April 2015, Edinburgh
- 23rd November 2014, London
- 30th November 2014, Aberdeen
- 15th December 2013, Manchester
- 8th December 2013, Aberdeen
- 3rd November 2013, London
- 20th October 2013, Liverpool
- Feedback
- 29th October 2017, Cardiff
- 28th October 2017, Cardiff
- 11th December 2016, Scotland
- 20th November 2016, Birmingham
- 12th June 2016, Cardiff
- 13th March 2016, Edinburgh
- 14th February 2016, Oxford
- 6th December 2015, Aberdeen
- 1st November 2015, London
- 7th June 2015, Cardiff
- 12th April 2015, Edinburgh
- 30th November 2014, Aberdeen
- 23rd November 2014, London
- 6th April 2014, Bristol
- 15th December 2013, Manchester
- 8th December 2013, Aberdeen
- 3rd November 2013, London
- 20th October 2013, Liverpool
Date : 12th April 2015 (Sunday)
Time : 0830 - 1800 hours
Venue : Chancellor's Building, Royal Infirmary/University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland
Suitable for: Medical Students and Foundation Year Doctors, especially those interested in a career in Surgery and Accident & Emergency Medicine
Faculty: Surgeons
Taught by surgeons, this ‘Clinical Anatomy Trainer Level 1’ course is intended to provide attendees with a sound understanding of applied clinical anatomy pertinent to senior medical students and foundation doctors. The course will be predominantly delivered through surface anatomy demonstration as applied to trauma, assessment of nerve injuries, surgical incisions, and the anatomy encountered during common operative procedures. The interactive focus-group workshops will cover the fundamental principles of local and regional anaesthetics, essential concepts in wound healing, and an overview of sutures and suture materials. Successful completion of the course will require the attendee obtaining 70% marks in the above areas, which will be formally assessed in the form of spotters, OSCE and viva-voce. It is intended that on completion of this course the attendee will have sufficient knowledge and understanding to teach their juniors in a formal manner. A teaching certificate will be provided to validate this.
Closing date: Places will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis. Registrations will close when all places are taken up and, as such, we are unable to provide a precise closing date.
Course fee: Students: £30
Doctors: £55