25th and 26th January 2016

Education Centre (Dept 17) The Christie, Manchester, M20 4BX

Course description:

The Laparoscopic Colorectal Train the Trainers Course (LAPCO TT) develops effective coaching skills for laparoscopic colorectal surgery. The course is adapted from the JAG approved Training the Trainers for Flexible Endoscopy but focuses on the specific needs of laparoscopic colorectal surgery.

The LAPCO TT course is based on a two-day programme; the first provides interactivity and practical coaching rehearsal in a skills lab setting. The second day focuses on clinical coaching in the operative environment. Coaching skills are taught in an interactive discussion and are then assembled to enable situational training for surgeons.


The course provides the necessary tools to improve individuals as trainers through adopting suitable coaching styles.

This course is not intended to teach LAPCO skills, although you may benefit from discussing different methods and approaches.

Learning outcomes:
  • Understand principles of how adults acquire and retain skills
  • Be aware of the importance of learning outcomes in setting a framework of teaching
  • Critically review a training episode
  • Understand the concept of conscious competence in practice and training
  • Understand and practice both formative/summative assessment tools and provide constructive feedback to stimulate learning
  • Become a reflective practitioner, continually assessing their own performance as a training.


Practical, small group sessions in the skills laboratory, live operative coaching sessions and discussions form the core of the course.

You will be expected to work in pairs or small groups, in both simulated and realistic settings.

You will be also offered the chance to demonstrate their coaching skills during the live operative sessions on the second day.

Course Fee:

Delegate fee - £595.00, Observer - £300.00

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