Ten abstracts will be selected for presentation in the form of a poster (short oral presentation to be done standing adjacent to the poster). It will be marked by the same panel of judges who will shortlist the abstracts. Prizes will be awarded to the winning posters. We will be offering 4 students the chance to do a 10 minute oral presentation (Power Point available). The participant is requested to submit the abstract for consideration and mark the email as 'oral presentation'.
- All submitted abstracts should include the following:
- Title
- Name of author(s)
- Institution/hospital where work was conducted or current institution/hospital
- Email address of the communicating author (mandatory)
- The text of the abstract should be no more than 250 words (excluding title, name of authors, institution and email address). It must summarise your original work. The abstract should fall into one of the following categories related to surgery:
- Research
- Case Report
- Pre-clinical Critical Discussion
- Abstracts should include the following:
- Background
- Experimental design/method/description of case
- A summary of results, presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusion
- Conclusion
- Abstracts should be submitted ONLY in a Microsoft Word Document format (.doc or .docx)
- No HTML, or other web formats will be accepted
- Please do not use subtitles within the abstract
- Tables or images should not be used
Formatting instructions:
- Font: Arial
- Font size: 12
- Title:
- Use a mix of upper and lower case letters
- The entire title should be in BOLD
- Authors
- If there is more than one author, please indicate the presenter with an asterisk (*)
- List the authors with last name first, comma, and first name or initial
- Separate the names with a semicolon
- E.g., Laura F Clark, Craig A Williams and Mathew Winterton should be written as: *Clark, Laura F.; Williams, Craig A.; Winterton, Mathew.
Scoring and acceptance criteria:
Your abstract will be reviewed by clinicians and consultants, basic scientists and invited patrons. They will review the work based on the following criteria:
- Quality of work
- Originality and novelty
- Ground-breaking or cutting edge research; potential significance of the work/audit to patient care and management, or clinical practice
- Clarity of writing and presentation
- Completed or nearly completed research/study/audit
All abstracts will be scored against the above criteria and a pre-prepared marking system.
The deadline for abstract submissions is at 23:59 hours on the 9th February 2014.
Abstracts should be sent to: