Dr Marc Bailey; MB ChB (Hons), BSc, MRCS(Eng), PGCert
- Dr Bailey is a clinical research training fellow in vascular surgery. He leads the 5th year MBChB teaching in vascular surgery and is also a guest lecturer for Anatomy iBSc•
- Dr Bailey’s research areas lie in drug development to prevent pathological cardiovascular remodelling, his main area of interest being AAAs. He is currently investigating agents that can block calcium channels to prevent vascular smooth muscle cell dysfunction
Professor David Jayne; BSc, MB BCh, FRCS, MD
- Professor Jayne is a professor of surgery and an honorary consultant general surgeon who has sub-specialised in lower GI surgery
- His clinical interests are of minimally invasive and robotic surgery of colorectal disease, and he is one of few UK surgeons with experience in surgical robotics for abdominal disorders. Additionally, he has an interest in pelvic floor dysfunction
- His commitment to research is exemplified by the fact he is part of the Research and Audit Committee of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and he is a clinical editor of the International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer-Assisted Surgery
Professor Mark Kearney; MBChB DM FRCP
- Professor Kearney is affiliated with the British Heart Foundation, with whom he carries out cardiovascular and diabetes research. His laboratory at Leeds University is currently exploring the mechanism link between endothelial function and insulin resistance. He also works in clinical medicine alongside his academic post, specialising in heart failure in chest pain. Professor Kearney starred in the renowned TV advert “I hate heart disease”, for the BHF, which received a lot of positive public attention and inspired many clinicians and members of the public nationally
Dr Ryckie Wade; MBBS MClinEd DipHR MRCS FHEA
- Dr Wade is Specialist Registrar in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He is a doctoral research fellow, funded by the National Institute for Health Research. Amongst his research interests are peripheral nerve injury imaging, hand trauma, acute burns surgery, skin cancer surgery, reconstructive breast surgery and statistical methodology. His main research efforts are based on novel MRI techniques for diagnosing peripheral nerve injury. Mr Wade also facilitates on the Masters of Research course
- DR Alderson is a general practitioner by background. After a few years in this field, she studied for her PhD on patient understanding of depression associated with chronic disease. Her current research is based on mental and physical disease co-morbidity, in order to incorporate interventions based at targeting patients and professionals within primary care. Her research is funded by the National Institute of Health Research. Dr Alderson also leads the applied health iBSc at the University of Leeds.