Cardiff MRCS OSCE Course: Three-Day Preparatory Course for MRCS OSCE

(includes anatomy, pathology, applied surgical sciences, principles of surgery, procedural skills, clinical examination skills, and communication skills)

22nd - 24th January 2021

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Cardiff, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff


This three-day preparatory course will provide the attendee with a thorough understanding of the topics on which to focus and the areas to prepare for the MRCS OSCE. The course will be delivered through a robust method of small group teaching, individual OSCEs and interactive discussions, all of which aim to guide the attendee to prepare for each component of the exam (all stations will be covered during the three days).

Day 1 will focus on the knowledge component, with emphasis primarily placed on surgical anatomy and surgical pathology. Day 2 will be divided into a morning session that covers applied surgical sciences and critical care, and an afternoon session that allows the attendee to practice clinical and procedural skills. Day 3 will consist of clinical examination stations in the morning and communication skills stations in the afternoon. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in OSCE practice on all three days of the course.

The programme and the teaching sessions reflect the changes introduced to the exam due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The course will be delivered in a socially-distanced manner, with all appropriate precautions taken in order to comply with the regulatory guidelines.

Quick Information
Places are currently available.
Dates 22nd - 24th January 2021

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Cardiff, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff
Course Fee £595.00
Closing Date Places will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis and therefore we are unable to provide a precise closing date.
No of Places 16
Dress code Professional/Semi-formal
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