Grand Excelsior Hotel, Dubai, UAE
In the Intercollegiate MRCS OSCE Exam, the ‘Clinical and Procedural Skills’ component, making up about 15-20% of the total marks, will test the candidate’s capacity to apply sound basic science/clinical knowledge in a practical context. The candidate’s ability to perform practical tasks related to surgery that requires manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination and visual/spatial awareness will be assessed. In addition, it will also test aspects such as capacity, consent, theatre safety, WHO checklist and principles of safe surgery. This intensive hands-on practical skills course will take the candidate through all the procedures that have been examined in the recent years, allows practice in realistic exam conditions and will provide structured feedback for further development. Candidates will be provided with their scores and will have the opportunity to discuss specific practical aspects with the examiners and recent successful candidates.
Places will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis and therefore we are unable to provide a precise closing date.