Portfolio Pathway Course for IMG Doctors in Orthopaedic Surgery

8th February 2025

Online Course Held Via Zoom


Pursuing a career in Orthopaedic Surgery in the UK is highly challenging yet very rewarding. One may consider entering a structured higher surgical training programme with a National Training Number (NTN) to obtain the Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT), or one might choose to follow the Portfolio Pathway (formerly known as the Certificate of Eligibility of Specialist Registration [CESR]).

This course, which focuses on the Portfolio Pathway, will highlight what the process entails, the key components and requirements, and how to prepare and submit documents in a timely manner. The morning session will consist of a series of informative talks which will provide practical information about the process, whilst the afternoon session will involve interactive workshops on key topics such as workplace-based assessments, leadership, management, safety, and governance.

An important aspect that underpins success in the Portfolio Pathway is the applicant’s ability to communicate. This course will, therefore, comprise a session on communication skills and soft skills.

Delegates can choose to attend both the morning and afternoon sessions, or they can attend one session only.

If an individual is not registered with the GMC in the UK, he/she will be eligible to attend the morning session for free. Further details are available in the registration form.

Aimed at:

Trust Grade Doctors; Non-Training Registrars

Quick Information
Afternoon Session (1245-1600 hours) is Fully Subscribed.

Places are currently available for Morning Session (0930-1200 hours).
Date 8th February 2025
Time 0930-1600 hours
Online Course Held Via Zoom
Course Fee Full Course: £65.00
Morning Only (0930-1200 hours): £20.00
Afternoon Only (1245-1600 hours): £45.00
Closing Date Places will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis and therefore we are unable to provide a precise closing date.
No of Places Morning Session (0930-1200 hours): 40
Afternoon Session (1245-1600 hours): 20