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Glasgow University Medical Research Society's 12th National Undergraduate Conference
Turning Tides: Navigating Novelty and Change

20th April 2024
Advanced Research Centre (ARC), University of Glasgow, 11 Chapel Lane, Glasgow, G11 6EW


Aims and Objectives

  • To provide students and junior doctors with a platform to present research.
  • To facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge and foster cultivate collaboration.
  • To ensure understanding of the SFP and clinical academia particularly in light of the recent changes.

Fee, Date and Venue

  • Date : 20th April 2024
  • Date : Advanced Research Centre (ARC), University of Glasgow, 11 Chapel Lane, Glasgow G11 6EW
  • Conference Fee : £5.00 (Members of Glasgow University Medical Research Society);
    £8.00 (Non-Members of Glasgow University Medical Research Society)
  • Number of Places : 60
  • Suitable for : Medical Students and Junior Doctors


Glasgow University Medical Research Society National Undergraduate Conference - Turning Tides: Navigating Novelty and Change will take place on Saturday 20th April 2024. The aim of the conference is to offer a platform for medical students and junior doctors to present their research. It is also an opportunity to attend both lectures and workshops delivered by academics in various stages of their careers, designed to educate students on how to become involved in medical research.


President: Mr Matthew Lim
Vice President: Mr Jim Luckhurst
Secretary: Ms Kiran Gunaravi
Treasurer: Ms Erin Kelly
Conference Convenors: Mr Craig Smith, Ms Sujashree Yadala Venkata

Journal Club Coordinator: Ms Aleena Nauman
Mentorship Coordinator: Ms Xin Yue Yap
Publicity Coordinator: Ms Ranoo Rebaz
Technical Coordinator: Mr Goh Shieh Yeow
Junior Representative: Ms Riva Cheng


Mr David Holroyd, MBChB, DPhil, MRCS, FRCS
Consultant in Liver and Pancreatobiliary Surgery
Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow

Dr Shiraz Shafi, MBBS
Specialised Foundation Doctor
Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow

Ms Linda Galbraith, MA (Hons)
Patient and Public Involvement Representative
CRUK Scotland Centre

Professor Matthew Walters, MBChB, MBE, MD, FRCP
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology
Head of School of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing
University of Glasgow

Workshop Tutor

Dr Felix Steckler, MBChB
Specialised Foundation Programme
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow